About Findarent.net

faceBased in Norwich, Connecticut, Findarent.net connects renters to brokers, owners, and property managers in Connecticut and Rhode Island. At present, Findarent.net features more than 1,100 properties between these two states and allows individuals to search for properties depending on location, size, and type of home. Through Findarent.net, renters can find single-family homes and apartments ranging from studios to homes with more than four bedrooms. Individuals will also find rent-to-own properties on Findarent.net. The company employs extensively experienced web engineers to create an easily navigable website that allows potential renters to quickly find relevant properties and contact the necessary people.

Findarent.net also makes it easy for property owners to list their homes on the website and minimize any time of vacancy. Owners must provide the address and basic details of the property, as well as contact information and a photograph that will accompany the listing. After creating the listing, owners can review what the Findarent.net listing will look like and make necessary changes. A 30-day listing on Findarent.net costs under $20.

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